Meet Elroy Campbell

Elroy, a Jamaican senior citizen, who was disabled in an accident while he was driving a taxi in NYC, came to St. George’s when he could no longer afford his rent. Due to sustained neck and spinal injuries from a severe car accident, he was mostly confined to his tiny bedroom in a substandard shared apartment except for medical appointments. Unable to work because of physical limitations, he fell behind on rent.

Thanks to St. George’s, he was able to get a new affordable and accessible studio apartment close to his healthcare providers. St. George’s assisted him with the housing interview to move into his new home, transportation costs to said interviews, furniture and more. His building has a social worker on site and activities with other seniors. In addition, St. George’s provided him with other logistical support in helping him become a U.S. citizen. Most importantly - Elroy has the freedom to live his life with dignity.