Dax's Story


Lee and Katie were on holiday in New York when their baby boy, Dax, arrived 11 weeks early, weighing just 3.4lbs. Stranded for several weeks while Dax was monitored in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Lenox Hill Hospital, the couple had no nearby friends or family and limited funds.

Fortunately, Lenox Hill agreed to work with their travel insurance company to ensure all of their medical bills were covered and Ronald McDonald House provided affordable accommodation. Additionally, St. George’s Society provided funds to cover food, transportation and incidentals and also paid the application fees for the newborn’s passport to enable him to travel back to the UK once he met the minimum weight requirement and was able to breathe and feed on his own.

After nearly six weeks of medical care, Dax was finally given the all clear and the family returned home. Dax is now thriving and celebrated his first birthday in England in December 2015.

It was a very emotional time for us being alone in a strange city with no friends or family so it was reassuring to have St. George’s to turn to. We will always be grateful for the support and advice they gave us during our time of need.
— Lee, Dax's father

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