Giving Just Got Easier

St. George’s Society is thrilled to announce we will be launching a new fundraising platform this coming August.

Classy is a one-stop shop that houses membership renewals, event registration, crowdfunding and peer-to-peer fundraising all in under one roof. This is an effort to maximize our fundraising potential and therefore our ability to provide vital assistance to people in need.

What does this mean for me? 

  • Classy offers a more user-friendly platform, allowing you to register for an event, renew your membership or donate to the Society with ease.
  • More ways to support St. George’s! Upgrade your membership, pledge a monthly donation or host your own event or campaign only a few steps.
  • You can access your giving history, update membership details, and manage your recurring donations via an online portal.
We are thrilled about the transition to a more comprehensive, user-friendly platform that will optimize member’s experiences and develop new ways in which they can support our charitable programs.
— Anna Titley, Executive Director

Keep an eye out for upcoming developments.

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St. George's Gives Back