Beneficiaries Enjoy Fellowship and Dancing at Annual Shadwell Tea


Thanks to a generous grant by the Inez Branca Family Foundation, we welcomed more than 40 of our senior beneficiaries to the annual Wendy Shadwell Tea this past October.

The yearly tradition was established in honor of the late Wendy Shadwell, a longtime supporter of the Society, who, in her bequest, encouraged more opportunities for our beneficiaries to socialize with one another.

“Loneliness and isolation have been linked to higher risks of a wide variety of ailments in the senior population,” said Mary Lamasney, the Society’s Manton Social Worker. “Our goal is to improve the ‘quality of life’ for our beneficiaries. That means providing not only financial assistance but also meaningful and productive activities that help maintain their well-being. The Shadwell Tea is definitely one of those.”

I look forward to the tea every year.
— Inez A.

“I look forward to the tea every year,” said Inez A., a beneficiary of the Society since 2013.

The afternoon began with a welcome by Rev. Alison Turner of Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue which graciously hosted the event in their Parish House. Guests enjoyed an array of sandwiches, salads, cakes and, of course, tea.

Music was provided by Concerts in Motion along with a few guest performances by several beneficiaries including a rousing rendition of “A Foggy Day in London Town”. The afternoon concluded with a gift basket prize draw and one last dance to a Tina Turner classic (Visit our Instagram for more highlights!).

“We’d like to once again thank the Inez Branca Foundation, Board Member Moya Keys and the team at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue for making this event possible,” shared Executive Director, Anna Titley. “It’s truly a highlight for everyone involved and makes such a difference in the lives of these seniors.”

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