Introducing Our New Account Portal!

We are excited to introduce a new system that gives you easy access to your own personal profile with St. George’s Society through an online account portal, allowing you to:

  • view giving history

  • download receipts for tax-deductible contributions

  • update contact information

  • select communication preferences

  • register for events

  • set up fundraising campaigns

Additionally, members will be able to:

  • view membership profile

  • set up auto-renewals

  • access information to redeem member perks

  • access member directory *COMING SOON*

We encourage all members and donors to create a personalized login name and password for full access to the portal.

Access the login page using the “Account Portal” link under For Members in the navigation menu.

Account Portal.png

Or at the following link:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at or via phone at 212.682.6110.

Wild Awake

We are launch experts + legacy builders for ambitious women who better the world✨

Generations Coming Together


English Ball Celebrates a Commitment to Community