Introducing Our New Executive Director

We are delighted to welcome Clare Risman as St. George’s Society’s new Executive Director. Clare will join the team on Wednesday 7 October 2020.

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Originally from London, Clare has worked in New York for over 20 years.

She joins the Society from the UK’s Department for International Trade where she managed the global launch of the GREAT Britain Campaign in New York and for 9 years has led the campaign in North America, securing GREAT’s place as one of the top 50 most valuable brands in the UK. Her team delivered all major activities across the US and Canada including last year’s historic 11-week North American tour of the Red Arrows.

Throughout her career, Clare has held numerous roles in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, which included work on the Northern Ireland Peace Process, Iran, and Counter-Terrorism during the first Gulf War. She also completed a temporary posting to Germany and two overseas postings to the UK Mission to the UN in New York. Following her second diplomatic posting, she transitioned to leading New York’s public diplomacy including working with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales.

Clare served on St. George’s Society’s Board of Directors from 2016 to 2020 and has been an active member of the 250th Anniversary Committee.

Clare remarks, “It is an honor to be appointed Executive Director of St. George’s Society of New York. As a Board member, I saw the good work of the Society’s enthusiastic members and volunteers, and the positive impact on the beneficiaries of our charitable programs. 2020 has been tough on many and in this, our 250th year, our mission has never been more relevant. I look forward to working with the St. George’s Society’s community to bring comfort, dignity, and support to even more people.”

Clare is married with two college-age sons. She is desperate for a return to socializing, dancing and theatre. In the meantime, she is content reading, baking, and going on long walks with the family dog.

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