Membership Updates

In early March, we shared details of several changes to St. George’s Society’s membership admission and dues structure, which would take effect 1 June 2020. These would include a fee increase for several membership levels and the addition of two new levels as well as the reestablishment of proposers and seconders for new members.

In light of recent events, the Board of Directors has decided to postpone the majority of intended fee increases until January 2021. All other changes will move forward and go into effect this June.

New Member Admission and Sponsorship

As of 1 June, applicants for membership shall require a proposer and seconder—both of whom should be current members.

This practice is not new to the Society, but one that we wish to reestablish to ensure that new members have a clear understanding of the Society’s mission and values and are willing to make a sincere commitment to our mission. While growth will always be an underlying goal, our priority is to cultivate an engaged membership community. Becoming a member of St. George’s Society should come with the understanding that the relationship is an active and enduring one.

To accommodate soon-to-be members without prior connections to the Society, we have created the Friend category (see below) that will allow them to participate in Society activities and build relationships with fellow members.

Applicants at the President’s Circle level and above can forego the proposer and seconder requirement.

Membership Categories and Fees

Adjustments to the Society’s levels are as follows:

Level Individual Joint
Friend $75 ----
Young Professional $75 ----
General $100 $175
Patron $300$550
President's Circle $1,500$2,750
Benefactor $5,000$7,500
Life $25,000----

NEW! Friends will have access to member rates at Society events and activities (excluding the English Ball and British Bash), but will not have voting rights. This option is intended for those with no prior connection to the Society (i.e. those without proposer/seconder) as well as non-residents who wish to maintain their commitment to and support of St. George’s Society.

Junior membership has been replaced with the Young Professional category and is for supporters under 30 years of age.

NEW! Benefactor members will receive exclusive invitations to private events along with recognition commensurate with their significant contribution to the Society. New members at this level do not require sponsorship.

Life members will receive 2 complimentary tickets to the English Ball on the year they become Life members.


We will monitor each of these initiatives closely—so that we may refine and pursue those that prove to be successful, and discontinue those that are not.

Should you have questions regarding the above changes, please do not hesitate to contact Hastings Hill, Communications & Membership Manager at hastings@stgeorgessociety.or or by calling 646.249.8091.

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