Announcement from the President

From Frank E. Morgan II, President, St. George’s Society of New York


It is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that the Board of Directors announces Anna Titley’s departure as Executive Director of St. George’s Society of New York in October 2020. Since 2009, Anna has played a critical role in the development and success of the organization, and while we will miss her inspiring leadership, we wish her the best of luck as she relocates to Houston, TX with her family. We want to thank her for 11 years of dedicated service which involved many significant accomplishments, including:

  • Establishing the Weatherstone Families Support Fund.

  • Expanding the Scholarship Program to all five New York City boroughs.

  • Raising almost $5.5 million for the English Ball since 2010.

  • Launching GEORGE (the Society’s co-brand for young professionals) and the British Bash in 2011.

  • Bringing together St. George’s Society and GEORGE in a rebrand of the Society in 2017, which included a new website and communications strategy.

  • Improving and updating the Society’s internal systems (accounting, IT, CRM) making the Society both more effective and efficient.

  • Creating greater engagement with the Society’s Advisory Council and establishing the 250th Anniversary Honorary Committee.

  • Implementing new programs for corporate and foundation partnerships.  

  • Increasing volunteerism and formalizing the structure of committees.

Over the coming weeks, we will be conducting a search to find the new Executive Director. You can view the job announcement here and we ask for your help in identifying candidates who can help St. George’s Society of New York continue along this successful trajectory. 

Again, we cannot thank Anna enough for the dedication, passion, enthusiasm and motivation she has given the Society over the past 11 years. She will be greatly missed by the staff, Board, members and partners alike. We look forward to following the success of her career and are hopeful and excited for the next chapter of St. George’s Society as we continue to support the New York community. Please read on for a note from Anna.

If you have any questions or concerns during this transition process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at


Frank E. Morgan II
St. George’s Society of New York

From Anna Titley, Executive Director, St. George’s Society of New York 

After more than a decade with St. George’s Society of New York, it is with mixed emotions that I announce my departure. My time at St. George’s Society has been the singular best experience in my professional life and I will miss it dearly. It has been full of inspiring experiences and exciting opportunities and I have made friends for life.

It has been a privilege to meet so many of our beneficiaries, scholars and families and to see firsthand the impact of our important work.

I am extremely proud of what our staff, Board and members have accomplished during the past 11 years and especially this year, our 250th anniversary. 2020 threw unprecedented challenges our way and our community pulled together like never before.

I want to give my deepest gratitude to all who have been so supportive of the Society and of me personally over the years. Without you, our community, the organization would not be as strong and vibrant as it is.

When you love your job, it doesn’t feel like work and a lot of that is down to the people you work with. To our team – Mary, Julie, Hastings and Eliane – as well as all my fabulous teammates of the past –  THANK YOU! I will cherish the memories forever.    

I hope to see many of you (virtually or otherwise) before I leave in October and if you find yourself in Houston TX, be sure to give me a call!

All the very best,

Anna Titley
Executive Director
St. George’s Society of New York

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