251st Annual General Meeting [RECORDING]

Members of St. George’s Society of New York joined us for our 251st Annual General Meeting held virtually on Wednesday 27th January 2021.

The virtual gathering reported on 2020’s activities and successes as well as plans for 2021. A key item of business was to elect the Board of Directors including the incoming class of Directors.


Thank you to all of the evening’s speakers:

Frank E. Morgan II, President
Josephine Haft, Secretary
Hastings Hill, Communications & Membership Manager
Cliff Franklin, Treasurer
Melissa M. Gibbs, Beneficiary Committee Chair
Mary Lamasney, LMSW, Manton Social Worker
Julie Rosenberg, LMSW, Social Worker
David Drinkwater, Vice President
Eliane Abou-Assi, Community Outreach & Event Manager
Philip Warner OBE, Past President & Nominating Committee Chair
Clare Risman, Executive Director

Congratulations to our newly elected Board Members:

Victoria Hanson
Ricardo Hollingswoth
Rita Kikati-Shah
Marcus Rayner

Wild Awake

We are launch experts + legacy builders for ambitious women who better the world✨


Meet Our New Board Members


Happy New Year!