Farewell Eliane

It is bittersweet to announce that Eliane Abou-Assi will be leaving her role as Community Outreach & Events Manager.

Eliane joined SGSNY in 2017, and has been an integral part in the growth and success of the organization. In that time, she has been involved in many significant accomplishments, including:

  • Launching and managing our Volunteer Program including SGS Gives Back, Phone Pals and Scholar Mentoring initiatives.

  • Administering the Scholarship Program and managing its expansion to all five New York City boroughs.

  • Overseeing the management and growth of the Weatherstone Families Support Fund, working with nearly 40 families on over 100 visits.

  • Working with our community and partners to diversify SGSNY's event calendar, maximize fundraising opportunities, and offer members unique experiences such as "A Taste of Home".

  • Managing SGSNY community fundraising initiatives, even personally taking on the Tough Mudder 10K in 2018 and helping fundraise over $5,500 to assist with COVID-19 relief.

  • Delivering over 6,000 meals to our most vulnerable beneficiaries during the height of the pandemic.

I have loved my time at St. George’s Society of New York, and it has been an honor to play a role in driving the Society’s historic mission forward. Thank you to everyone who helped make this experience so special, and for all the lovely memories—from the British Bash and pub quizzes to family soccer days and food pantries—I will cherish them all!
— Eliane

Eliane will be missed by the staff, Board, members and partners. If you’d like to wish Eliane good luck in her next chapter, please join us at the SGSNY Summer Meet Up at Dog & Bone on 15 July. Register online HERE.

The Program Coordinator role is now open for applications. You can view the job description HERE. If you, or someone you know, is the right fit, please encourage them to apply. The application closing date is Friday 9th July 2021.

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