Introducing Our New Board Members

We are delighted to welcome four new members to SGSNY's Board of Directors. Udi Chattopadhyay, Hannah Gräfin von Waldersee, Dan Morris and Kay Nichols were elected to serve at the 252nd Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

Headshot of Udi Chattopadhyay

Udi Chattopadhyay

Udi is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at Four Rivers, a South-East Asia focused investment fund based in New York, launched by geopolitical risk advisory firm Ergo in 2013. His prior experience includes strategy consulting at McKinsey and KPMG, working in over 20 countries. He also led business development and sponsorship at the American Museum of Natural History and the Times Square Alliance, managing properties reaching global audiences of several hundred million, with partners including Fox, McGraw Hill, AT&T, Yahoo!, Starbucks, Coca Cola and CNN.

Udi is currently on the Board of Oxford Valuation Partners, a valuation advisory firm based in New York, and serves on the Emerging Markets Committee of CEO Connection, a platform for global mid-market CEOs. He is also a Mentor at the NYU Incubator, advising start-ups supported by New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering.  He has guest lectured at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management and at Wharton (U Penn).

Udi is originally from London; he has a BA in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, where he was a Thouron Scholar.

Why did you join St. George’s Society of New York?

I was looking for ways to engage with people outside of my immediate work and social circles at the time and having attended a few events had too much fun to stay away! I was also hugely inspired by the great work SGSNY does in the community and was excited to support the mission. 

What are you looking forward to most as a Board Member?

SGSNY does amazing philanthropic work and is also a really a fun part of so many peoples' lives once they become members. I'd love to be part of broadening the message and getting more people involved.  I'm also looking forward to spend more time with the organization and to get to know more members.

What brought you to New York?

I'm from London originally. I moved here the week before 9/11, with a new job after a couple of years grad school in Philadelphia.

Where’s your favorite place to visit in New York?

I've discovered a few new favorite places during COVID, including Tudor City, a beautiful neighborhood and park that is kind of a secret despite being right in Midtown; I didn't know about it despite living a couple of blocks away for years!  Taking the 7 train out to Queens is also a fun thing to do when folks visit from out of town - that route goes through some very interesting neighborhoods each with their own fascinating histories and cuisines.

Hannah Gräfin von Waldersee

Hannah leads Strategy and Innovation programs at Insight Partners, a leading global venture capital and private equity firm investing in high-growth technology and software companies that are driving transformative change in their industries.

Prior to joining Insight, Hannah worked at McKinsey & Company, Buckingham Palace, and ran a professional development startup. As a management consultant, Hannah advised clients from all sectors on diverse situations including a global pharmaceutical merger, a due diligence on a French retail asset, and a large-scale capital infrastructure project. Hannah was then appointed to a role with Dame Vivian Hunt, DBE, who led McKinsey in the UK and Ireland, helping to coordinate a demanding program of office commitments, board roles, and external speaking engagements.

Hannah left McKinsey to join the management team of the Royal Household as Chief of Staff to the Master of the Queen's Household, Vice-Admiral Sir Tony Johnstone-Burt KCVO, CB, OBE, DL, who is responsible for all events, logistics, services and operations at Buckingham Palace and across the occupied royal palaces. Upon moving to New York, Hannah led Declare, an enterprise solution to accelerate women into leadership, as COO and then CEO, until its acquisition by Luminary, a fellow collaboration hub for professional women.

Hannah read French and Russian at Magdalen College, Oxford University, and has lived in Moscow, Paris, and Barcelona.

Why did you join St. George’s Society of New York?

SGSNY has a powerful sense of history and heritage, which creates affinity for all of our members; however, SGSNY is committed to remaining relevant and modern, which is a powerful combination. More practically, I was struck by the warmth and positive energy of the members I met and knew this would be an exciting community.

What are you looking forward to most as a Board Member?

Being able to combine active participation in the events and endeavours of SGSNY with the opportunity to influence and enable the continued growth of the organization for the future.

What brought you to New York?

Stars in my eyes! My husband and I were dazzled by the sense of opportunity, dynamism, and pace of the city. It is quite unlike anywhere else.

Where’s your favorite place to visit in New York?

The small dog run in Washington Square Park. It brings my puppy joy to run around with her friends there, and it brings me joy to watch her!

Dan Morris

Originally from the UK, Dan has served companies in the US since 2009, after a strong career helping entrepreneurs build companies such as Brafton and DotDigital, he is now a business mentor and investor.

Dan supports SGSNY. You’re sure to see him at events, or taking part in a physical challenge such as a run to help raise awareness for SGSNY’s charitable programs.

Dan is married with a baby on the way very soon, and is excited to start working with the Board to create more opportunities for members to experience the fellowship within SGSNY.

Why did you join St. George’s Society of New York?

I wanted to be part of a community in the city so that I could contribute and feel part of something bigger than just working in the city.

What are you looking forward to most as a Board Member?

Helping SGSNY continue its great work successfully in today's world by guiding the Society to serve the members of today and tomorrow in ways that engage them in the fellowship and SGSNY’s mission.

What brought you to New York?

I moved here from Boston in 2014. I didn't know anyone, but had decided that I wanted to live here and experience the city. I'm glad that I did.

Where’s your favorite place to visit in New York?

Central Park! We live nearby so we regularly go to walk run or cycle in the park and it's always a fun reminder that we're in NYC.

Kay Nichols

Kay holds dual UK and US citizenship and has spent 30 years in the global financial technology industry. Running major businesses for multinationals IBM and FIS, she led big data, digital, and mobile banking initiatives that shaped the fin-tech industry. Her vision and strategy capabilities are industry respected and have secured her numerous leadership positions on corporate advisory boards and industry councils. She currently serves on the board of a cybersecurity company, a payments firm and an AI company, and as board advisor to the global organizational consulting firm Korn Ferry.

A global thought leader in areas such as personal data privacy and cybersecurity, Kay was an advisor to the World Economic Forum and has held numerous leadership positions on industry boards, and appeared at top international conferences.

Kay holds an MBA from the International Management Centre Europe, and a Bachelor of Science from Bristol University. A strong supporter of education, both personally and in the community, she is an active member of the National Association for Corporate Directors (NACD), Women on Boards UK and a cohort of the HBS Women on Boards Alumni Group which connects over 300 fellow women leaders from around the world in monthly meetings and ongoing education. Kay enjoys time at her homes in Manhattan and Ponte Vedra Beach, FL between travels in the US and abroad.

Why did you join SGSNY? 

I wanted to get involved in a non-profit organization in NYC that supported a cause I believed in and also appealed to my British roots. SGSNY was a perfect fit.  

What are you looking forward to most as a Board Member?

Officially joining the SGSNY community - they are a passionate team who really have fun with what they are doing.

What brought you to New York?

My job. I worked for IBM at 590 Madison Avenue for many years. I caught the NYC bug and now 20 years later I still keep a home here. 

Where’s your favorite place to visit in NYC?

I really enjoy my quiet moments in the Studiolo from the Ducal Palace in Gubbio at the Met. I would move in if the Met would have me!

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