Meet the Hayes

Alice Hayes, from Ireland is an incredibly energetic, intelligent, and joyous child. She was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of pediatric cancer, at eight years old. A big fan of horses, Alice has been riding since she was very young. Unfortunately, it was when she fell off a horse and didn’t jump back up, that her mother knew something was very wrong. 

Alice’s extended family based in the UK and USA helped guide her treatment pathway which included moving to Barcelona Spain to take part in two  clinical trials. Thankfully, Alice got her first clear scan in June 2023. However, given the aggressive nature of Alice’s cancer the family have had no choice but to continue with trial treatments. Hence, in July of the same year she began a three-year experimental vaccine trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) with the aim of keeping the disease away. SGSNY has had the pleasure of getting to know Alice and her family during the course of their many trips across the Atlantic.

We’re so honored to play a small part in this incredibly brave girl’s journey. We’re so proud of you Alice! 

Q&A with Alice:

  • What is the best thing you’ve seen in New York?

    The Central Park playgrounds and Wollman ice rink.

  • How is America different from Ireland?

    America is way more exciting.

  • DJ Spy, describe your DJ session with Trish and Katie in 3 words?

    Fun, Vibey, Exciting.

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