John's Story

At St. George's Society, we provide a quality of sustained care unique to many charity organizations. In addition to financial assistance, our social workers often go above and beyond to ensure that our elderly beneficiaries are afforded the ability to live out their lives in the safety and dignity of their own homes.

For example, 81-year old John from Scotland:


John has been one of the Society’s beneficiaries since 2009. With his advancing age, he became unable to manage the stairs of his 5th-floor apartment. Trapped and with no friends or family to look after him, John soon developed debilitating depression and medical issues—only able to leave his apartment when he became hospitalized. Recognizing the dire situation, our social workers were able to convince John to leave his home of more than 50 years as the Society had secured him an apartment in Hargrave House, an accessible senior living facility on the Upper West Side. They then refitted his new apartment with new furniture and organized the entire move.

John now has a new lease on life. With the help of a home care aid, he is able to do the things that we too often take for granted—laundry, grocery shopping and even going to the local diner for a burger and a chat with a new friend. The Society continues to provide rental assistance as well as much-needed emotional support. He said, “I could not have done this without you.”


John’s is one of many stories that make up the nearly 250 years of St. George’s Society’s legacy of giving.  Learn more about our Beneficiary Program and help us continue to provide care and comfort for people like John by making a donation today.

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Antony Phillipson Appointed Honorary President of St. George's Society


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