Manhattan Beneficiary Holiday Celebration at St. Thomas Church
On Saturday, December 7th, St. George's Society of New York hosted a festive and heartwarming event for 19 of our Manhattan-based senior beneficiaries at St. Thomas Church on Fifth Avenue. The day was an opportunity for us all to come together, filled with generosity, community spirit, and holiday cheer.
Brooklyn-Based Beneficiary Day at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
St. George’s Society of New York recently hosted a heartwarming afternoon social event for our Brooklyn-based senior beneficiaries.
Meet Elroy Campbell
Elroy, a Jamaican senior citizen, who was disabled in an accident while he was driving a taxi in NYC, came to St. George’s when he could no longer afford his rent.
Katie the Intern
It was a cold December day, when St George’s Society held their annual Beneficiary Christmas Tea. The SGSNY team, along with approximately twenty of its Beneficiaries met at St Thomas Church to enjoy each other's company, share gifts and celebrate the festivities with carols and poems.
Christmas Beneficiary Afternoon Tea
This holiday season, SGSNY hosted its annual Beneficiary Afternoon Tea at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, which brings together seniors from the program and our volunteers.
A New Bed for Ms. Priya
On a recent visit to Ms. Priya, one our senior beneficiaries, Manton Social Worker Julie Rosenberg was shocked to discover that this 71-year-old woman had been sleeping on a sagging cot every night. Julie shares how SGSNY helped Ms. Priya make her home a safer and more comfortable space.
Phone Pals: One Year Later
To help ease the isolation of the pandemic, SGSNY launched the Phone Pal initiative in April 2020, pairing volunteer callers with our senior beneficiaries. Volunteer Nichola Taylor reflects on her experience—one year later.
Rising to the Challenge for our Neighbors in Need
Social workers, Mary Lamasney and Julie Rosenberg, share how the St. George's Society community has risen to the unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic providing a lifeline for our senior beneficiaries.
A First Step Towards A Brighter Future
St. George's Society team members, Eliane Abou-Assi and Hastings Hill, share an update on the Society’s programming and activities throughout the summer.
Phoning A Friend
To help ease the lingering isolation of the pandemic, St. George's Society launched the Phone Pal initiative, pairing volunteer callers with our senior beneficiaries. Volunteer, Yvonne shares her experience and how a baking snafu turned into an unexpected friendship.
Beating the Odds and Being Together Apart
Anna, St. George's Society's Executive Director shares another video update on the Society’s charitable programming and activities.
Delivering hope and kindness | Responding to the Coronavirus
St. George’s Society continues to do all we can to adjust to the ever-changing news regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Our seniors need YOU
St. George's Society continues to provide economic and housing stability for our senior beneficiaries—an especially vulnerable population at this time. Now, more than ever, we are counting on your generosity to propel our work forward, just as our community has done, through good times and bad, for the last 250 years.
Generations Coming Together
In a continued effort to enhance the quality of life for our senior beneficiaries, St. George’s Society introduced a new initiative earlier this year: Silver Buddies, a pen pal program with students at the British International School of New York.
Annual Wendy Shadwell Tea with Beneficiaries
As part of St. George’s Society’s commitment to enhancing quality of life for our beneficiaries, we were pleased to host the annual Wendy Shadwell Tea at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue last month.
Beneficiaries' Spring Tea and Talk
On 23rd May, we hosted our third annual Spring Tea and Talk for a group of our elderly beneficiaries at Nord Anglia International School.
John's Story
With his advancing age, our beneficary John became unable to manage the stairs of his 5th-floor apartment. With St. George's Society's help, John now has a new apartment and a new lease on life.
A New Couch for Margaret
When a person is need, St. George's Society takes action. Learn how we assisted one of our beneficiaries when she was faced with an unexpected crisis.
Afternoon Tea with our Beneficiaries
This June, Nord Anglia International School welcomed a group of our elderly beneficiaries to enjoy a spring afternoon of entertainment and refreshments.