Esthelle's Story

Esthelle is majoring in Biological Sciences at Lehman College and her long-term goal is to pursue a career in medicine. Esthelle is also passionate about helping low-income students succeed in the classroom and one day hopes to launch an organization that provides access to good quality education and mentoring for less fortunate children. Esthelle was awarded a St. George’s Society Scholarship in July 2016 and will graduate this summer. 

Esthelle’s story in her words: 


Growing up in Ghana I realized that kids who are raised in financially unstable homes are often marginalized by society. As a result, these kids usually lose hope in life and go wayward, either not finishing school, joining gangs, or never seeing any of their dreams become realities. 

Moving to the South Bronx, I realized my experiences in Africa were the same as in the United States. In my opinion, society fails to provide low-income kids who struggle in school the necessary support and tools needed to be successful in life. At an early age, when these students do not have positive or supportive experiences in school or from their parents, they can be viewed as failures and rejected by society. 

After attending college and pursuing medicine, I want to launch an organization that aids low-income kids by providing after-school tutoring as well as opportunities to visit colleges and find the right mentors they need to be the next Michelle Obama or Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

Thanks to the St. George’s Society Scholarship, I am one step closer to my overall goal of being a great mentor to kids, not only in the US but in Ghana as well.
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