Annual Wendy Shadwell Tea with Beneficiaries

As part of St. George’s Society’s commitment to enhancing quality of life for our beneficiaries, we were pleased to host the annual Wendy Shadwell Tea last month at Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue.

Traditional afternoon tea was served while over 40 of the Society’s senior beneficiaries enjoyed the musical stylings of Concerts in Motion with a few guest performances by fellow beneficiaries.

The annual event is named after the late Wendy Shadwell—a longtime member and supporter. Wendy kindly made a bequest to the Society and it was her wish that we would create opportunities for our beneficiaries to socialize together and encourage friendships amongst one another. Such events offer our beneficiaries, particularly those who are frailer, a chance to interact with their peers and to connect through shared experiences.

This year’s event was made possible by a grant from the Inez Branca Family Foundation, which was kindly arranged by Board Member Moya Keys.

Through our Beneficiary Program, St. George’s Society assists over 100 elderly and disabled people each year, with more than 50% of the operating budget spent directly on this life-changing support. Our assistance enables seniors to make ends meet, pay rent, buy medication, and afford public transportation. The financial assistance we provide is supplemented by much-needed emotional support from our social workers, Mary Lamasney LMSW and Julie Rosenberg LMSW.

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