Meet Lottie


Four-year old Lottie Smith is an enthusiastic young girl with a willful nature. She loves her dog, dolls and dancing, but unlike most girls her age, Lottie has been fighting a battle against high-risk neuroblastoma for more than two years. After months of intensive treatment, she successfully finished her immunotherapy. However, in order to prevent relapse, Lottie’s family—who are based in the UK—raised enough funds to enroll her in clinical trials at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York last October.

St. George’s Society partnered with UK-based charity, Solving Kids Cancer, to ensure that families like the Smiths have the support network they need during their stay in New York. From a friendly face upon arrival to emotional support throughout their journey, St. George’s Society is a shoulder to lean on during a difficult time.

Although treatment took its toll, Lottie made the most of her time in New York. Like a true member of the St. George’s Society community, she took the Big Apple by storm. She was particularly fond of the horses in Central Park and took full advantage of the city’s Halloween festivities. Lottie will be returning for more clinical trials in March.

We came out to NYC in the worst circumstances, but St. George’s Society made it so much easier, by assisting with the transfer to our hotel and making those first steps into a new hospital easier. They were there as a port of call throughout our journey in NYC and made it feel more familiar. Thank you so much!
— Charley, Lottie’s mother
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Announcing New Partnership with Solving Kids' Cancer


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