Corporate Partner Spotlight: Mountbatten Program

Almost 20 Years of Partnership


St. George's Society and The Mountbatten Program have worked together since 2001. In that time, we have served as a host organization for over 15 Mountbatten Trainees, giving international young professionals the chance to gain full-time professional experience, study and live in New York City.

Our current Operations Coordinator, Hannah is a Mountbatten Program Trainee and will complete her placement with St. George’s Society in March 2019. Many of the additional support staff at the Society's events are also Trainees. Volunteering at events gives Mountbatten Trainees the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local community, network and build their professional connections, which is a hugely important element of their year in New York City.

What is the Mountbatten Program?

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The Mountbatten Program was established in 1984 to connect top global businesses with the brightest young professionals. Mountbatten provides a career-defining program of international internship, postgraduate study and cultural exchange, along with a powerful alumni network of more than 7,000 professionals across 45 countries.

Whilst the Program attracts young professionals from across the globe, there is a particularly strong focus on the UK/US transatlantic relationship. Many of Mountbatten's host organizations have bases in both New York and London, as well as the fact that the majority of their Trainees come from the UK to New York and from the US to London.


Notable Alumni

Partnerships with organizations like St. George's Society have helped to jump-start the careers of over 7,000 alumni of the Mountbatten Program, such as our very own Executive Director, Anna Titley (New York Program, September 2009). Anna was placed at St. George's Society during her time on the Program and her impressive performance secured her a position with the Society upon completion, allowing her to grow and develop into her role today.

Other notable alumni include:

  • Allan Rooney (New York Program, September 1999), Founding Partner of Rooney Nimmo

  • Joey Vlasto (New York Program, May 2004), Partner at Newmark Grubb Knight Frank

  • Alice Mount (New York Program, September 1996), Director of Events and Marketing at BritishAmerican Business

Strong Tradition

In addition to helping St. George’s Society find and nurture the brightest international talent, Mountbatten’s current CEO, Richard Sexton MBE, served as the President of St. George’s Society in 2015-2016. Continuing our strong relationship, Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill CBE, Mountbatten’s Founder and Director General, will become President of St. George’s Society in 2019.

Becoming a Host Organization

Being a Mountbatten Program Host Organization allows companies to add energetic, fresh perspective and ideas to their business, as well as the opportunity to access bright international talent that they can re-hire in their home country.

If you are interested in transforming the lives and careers of young people, developing a global workforce and being a part of a reciprocal exchange between the USA and the UK, contact Richard Sexton MBE at

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