Meet Our New Board Members

The Society’s 250th Annual General Meeting on 31st January saw the election of four new members to St. George’s Society’s Board of Directors

Furthermore, standing Director, Josephine Auerback Haft was elected to serve as Secretary on the Executive Committee and Frank E. Morgan II was appointed President.

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Mark Aiston

Mark is the founder and owner of Aiston Fine Art Services, which provides transport, storage and installation services to auction houses, galleries and private art collectors. With more than 35 years in the art industry, his clientele spans the globe.

Mark moved to New York in 1986 and has, with his wife of 33 years, raised two wonderful children, Luke and Gillian.

Mark is an avid outdoorsman, adventurer and photographer, an active member of The American Alpine Club and has, over the last two years, completed trips to Patagonia, Antarctica and The Himalayas. Next up for 2020 will be Africa (his 6th continent) and a return to the mountains of Scotland.

Mark has been a Patron Member of the Society since 2002.

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Claudine Moore

Listed on the UK Powerlist: Britain’s Top 100 Most Influential Black People, Claudine is an award-winning global Public Relations consultant and Managing Director of C. Moore Media International Public Relations, a New York-based boutique PR agency. With 15+ years of experience, Claudine has worked with a wide range of organizations including global PR agencies, Fortune 100 brands, global heritage brands, Foundations and startups across multiple international markets and sectors.

A sought-after global speaker and thought-leader, Claudine has hosted on stage fireside chat interviews with global leaders, delivered keynotes, hosted master classes and most recently was invited to moderate a panel of African First Ladies at the United Nations during the 74th United Nations General Assembly.

Passionate about corporate social responsibility, social impact and the empowerment of women and girls, since 2017 Claudine has been an Adjunct Professor at New York University, teaching CSR and social impact alongside global engagement, global PR and marketing and communications writing.

Claudine is a founding board member of Social Media Week Lagos and as an avid writer has provided content for the Huffington Post, the Holmes Report, CNN, Black Enterprise and PR Week US.


Christopher St. Victor-de Pinho

Chris is an attorney specializing in corporate finance, taxation and governance. He currently serves as Managing Director and Group Head of Tax for the UBS Group, a leading international bank headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. 

He was previously a Managing Director and Senior Vice President of the Bermuda-based insurance company XL Catlin Ltd.

Chris holds a BA from the University of Virginia and law degrees from Washington and Lee University and Georgetown University. He is a frequent speaker at financial services industry events, and has served as a visiting lecturer in law at several universities.

Chris has been a member of St George’s Society since 2017, and is also a patron of various US and UK charities including the British Museum, the Royal Palace Society, and National Museums Scotland.  He is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of the Tax Advisors and a Freeman of the City of London.  He serves as a Pension Commissioner for the town of Ridgefield, CT, is a member of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, and is a commissioned officer in the United States Navy Reserve.


Steve Wilson

Steve is a Partner and heads Osborne Clarke’s office in New York.

As an English-qualified lawyer residing in the US for a decade, Steve has extensive experience of advising American-headquartered clients. He counsels US companies on all aspects of their international legal needs. Advising North American clients on English legal matters and supporting their global legal projects, Steve works closely with Osborne Clarke’s international offices and network of law firms around the world. He is a corporate transactional lawyer but acts as an outsourced general counsel assisting clients with all kinds of cross-border work, focusing particularly on companies active in the Tech, Media and Comms space.

His recent work includes representing numerous emerging businesses establish overseas operations, advising clients on UK acquisitions, representing US investors on European investments and managing multi-jurisdictional projects across Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. Steve joined Osborne Clarke in 2001 from an in-house position at Vodafone.

He has been a Partner since 2004 and is head of the firm’s New York office, having led the firm’s West Coast operations from 2007 to 2016. He is a registered Foreign Legal Consultant in both California and New York. He is also co-chair of the Private Equity and Venture Capital Committee of the Business Section of the American Bar Association.

Wild Awake

We are launch experts + legacy builders for ambitious women who better the world✨

250th Anniversary Launches with Members and Friends


Introducing Our New President: Frank E. Morgan II