Introducing Our New President: Frank E. Morgan II

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Frank E. Morgan II was elected President of St. George’s Society of New York at the 250th Annual General Meeting held on 31st January 2020. Frank succeeds Philip Warner OBE, who has held the position for the past three years. We caught up with our new President to learn more about him and his vision for the Society.

What brought you to New York?

Like so many others, I came to New York from New England for a great job offer. I thought perhaps I would stay a few years but several jobs later, I am truly a New Yorker.

Why do you think it’s important to become a member of St. George’s Society?

I have felt privileged in my life, and as a confirmed Anglophile, St. George’s Society is a very clear way to give back to those in need with British and Commonwealth ties in the tri-state area. It is also a lot of fun to enjoy the networking and sense of community at our wealth of events.

What is your vision for St. George’s Society?

In the short term: to celebrate 250 years of service with the many special and regular events we have planned. In this regard, I hope we can all work to increase membership—particularly in the younger ranks—and provide a sound financial footing for our charitable programming.

What is your favorite place in New York?

Given many years of travel, my favorite place is really at home out on Long Island and more specifically in the kitchen. My father did all the cooking in our household and I am happy that did not skip a generation.

Tell us something we don’t know about you.

Growing up my nickname was “the Senator.”  My goal for a long time was to enter politics and become a U.S. Senator, although now that dream is definitely off the table.

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