Meet Victoria


As the mother of two young girls, working and studying full-time, Victoria already had a lot on her plate. Nevertheless, she was able to manage family, work and the pursuit of her degree in Social Work at Lehman College—even earning a spot in the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society as well as completing internships working with adults with developmental disabilities.

Then COVID-19 happened. Like most parents, Victoria’s already demanding schedule was thrown into disarray. She now had to navigate her children’s virtual learning as well as her own at a time when her coursework would become even more challenging in her final year. To add insult to injury, she had to cancel a long-awaited summer trip back to Ghana, her home country, to see family and friends.

Her scholarship from St. George’s Society of New York was a relief and reinforcement:

Last semester was so stressful. I had a two-day internship, a full-time job and course load plus being a mother to two girls. I am so thankful. Because of the scholarship, I was able to cut down some of my work hours and concentrate on my studies and the internship. I received 3 A’s and 1 A- in all my classes! The good news is that this is my last semester to graduate.

Having already been accepted into Lehman’s advanced Master’s of Social Work Program, Victoria is well on her way to becoming a social worker so that she can “make a difference in the community and to help those often left behind.”

Victoria pictured with her daughters.

Victoria pictured with her daughters.

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