Welcome Jessica Sims to the SGSNY Team

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We are delighted to introduce Jessica Sims as the newest member of the SGSNY team!

With a PhD in Continental Philosophy from Stony Brook University, Jessica brings more than 10 years of academic teaching and administrative experience to our organization. As our new Program Coordinator, she will oversee the administration of our charitable programming, volunteer initiatives and events. Please join us in extending a heartfelt welcome to Jessica as she begins her journey at SGSNY.

Jessica, please tell us a little about yourself.

I’m originally from the Rocky Mountains of Montana, but have lived all over the American West throughout my childhood. I moved to New York in 2011 to pursue a doctorate in Continental philosophy, which I completed in 2017.

After graduating, I decided to pivot to the nonprofit sector to serve a wider audience. I honed my organizational and programming skills at the American Association of University Women (AAUW) NYC, where I conducted outreach sharing our salary negotiation workshops to NYC colleges and universities, and hosted networking events for local AAUW members.

In March 2020, I moved to Idaho to escape my tiny NYC apartment during lockdown, and to be closer to family. I ended up working as a front-line worker in healthcare serving seniors—the most vulnerable population—during the pandemic.

Now I’m excited to be back in NYC at St. George’s Society of New York where I get to combine all my experiences in academia, nonprofit, and healthcare.     

What brought you to SGSNY?

I joined SGSNY out of a strong desire to serve vulnerable New Yorkers—coupled with the fact that SGSNY’s programming align so well with my eclectic skillset.

Additionally, my grandfather is Welsh, and I am excited to learn more about my British heritage beyond what I can find in history books.

What are you looking forward to most as a part of the SGSNY team?

I am most looking forward to living SGSNY’s motto of “doing good while having fun”. As Program Coordinator, I have the opportunity to plan pub quizzes and tea parties, and—on a good day—play with children in the park in the most beautiful city in America.

What is your favorite thing about NYC?

My favorite thing about NYC is its architecture. The buildings here are both beautiful and diverse. While buildings here may be deemed relatively young compared to those in the UK, they’re as old as it gets for Americans. I was super excited to discover that our new office has a view of the Chrysler Building, my favorite building in the city.

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