Emma Wade-Smith OBE Appointed Honorary President

Emma-Wade Smith OBE pictured smiling at SGSNY office in December 2021

SGSNY's Board of Directors were delighted to welcome SGSNY's Honorary President, Emma Wade-Smith OBE, British Consul General in New York, at a delicious whisky tasting event under the expert guidance of The Balvenie Brand Ambassador, Naomi Leslie. Emma and her husband John, joined us at our newly renovated office last December.

SGSNY enjoys a special relationship with the British Consulate-General in New York and for over a century each serving British Consul-General has held the position of Honorary President.

Emma was appointed Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for North America and HM Consul General New York in November 2021. Prior to this appointment, she spent nearly six years leading the UK Government’s pan-African regional trade and investment team, as Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Africa.

Naomi took guests through The Balvenie's unique history as the only distillery in the Scottish Highlands that maintains the Five Rare Crafts of whisky making.

We are thrilled to have Emma and John as a part of the SGSNY community and look forward to more opportunities to work together this year.

Wild Awake

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252nd Annual General Meeting [RECORDING]


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