252nd Annual General Meeting [RECORDING]

Held virtually on Tuesday 25th January, SGSNY's 252nd Annual General Meeting reflected on last year's achievements and our plans for 2022. A key item of business was to elect the Board of Directors.

If you were unable to join us, you can watch a recording of the evening below.


Thank you to all of the evening’s speakers:

Frank E. Morgan II, President
Josephine Haft, Secretary
Hastings Hill, Communications & Membership Manager
Cliff Franklin, Treasurer
Melissa M. Gibbs, Beneficiary Committee Chair
Mary Lamasney, LMSW, Social Worker
Julie Rosenberg, LMSW, Manton Social Worker
David Martinelli, Scholarship Committee Chair
Mark Aiston, Board Director
Jessica Sims, Program Coordinator
Philip Warner OBE, Past President & Nominating Committee Chair
Clare Risman, Executive Director
Anna Edgar, Former Executive Director
Ricardo Hollingsworth, Board Director
David Drinkwater, President Elect

Welcome to our newly elected Board Members:

Udi Chattopadhyay
Hannah Gräfin von Waldersee
Dan Morris
Kay Nichols

Special thanks to:

Full Out Creative
Hotel Chocolat
The Balvenie

Wild Awake

We are launch experts + legacy builders for ambitious women who better the world✨


Meeting the McCaughans


Emma Wade-Smith OBE Appointed Honorary President