A New Bed for Ms. Priya

On a recent visit to Ms. Priya, one our senior beneficiaries, Manton Social Worker Julie Rosenberg was shocked to discover that this 71-year-old woman had been sleeping on a sagging cot every night. Julie shares how SGSNY helped Ms. Priya make her home a safer and more comfortable space.

Julie pictured with Ms. Priya in front of her new bed.

Ms. Priya came to SGSNY as a beneficiary in 2013 when she and her husband were facing eviction. He had to stop working after a massive stroke, and they could no longer afford their rent on their limited Social Security income. When he got increasingly ill, she gave up their apartment to accompany him back to India so that he could pass away with family in his hometown of Calcutta. 

Upon her return to New York, she moved into a new apartment with a friend in Jackson Heights. But with home visits cancelled due to the pandemic, it was nearly two years before I was finally able to visit Ms. Priya in her new home. I was shocked to discover that this 71-year-old woman was sleeping on a sagging, folding cot every night. As with many of our seniors, she never complained, so it went unnoticed until my visit. The need for her to have a new bed was obvious, but unfortunately, for beneficiaries like Ms. Priya, there are no extra funds each month for big purchases like furniture.

 Using local resources, we secured a free bed and two shelving units to help make her apartment a safer and more comfortable space. And with the help of an emergency grant, we took Ms. Priya shopping for new sheets, blankets, and a pillow—something she could not have afforded without SGSNY’s assistance. She reports now sleeping better than ever, and couldn’t be more appreciative for the comfort and dignity St. George's of New York brings to her life.

Learn more about the Beneficiary Program and how you can get involved HERE.

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