SGSNY Reaches 250th Anniversary Appeal Goal

SGSNY is thrilled to announce we have reached our 250th Anniversary Appeal goal, with donations and pledges reaching $2.5 million over the course of a 3-year period.

Publicly launched in January 2020, the appeal set out to increase capacity for the Society’s programming including expanding the Scholarship Program and establishing a sustainable infrastructure that would enable us to address needs during crises and tough economic times—an objective that became increasingly imperative at the onset of the global pandemic.

Launching an ambitious appeal and then running into COVID presented a great challenge. Achieving the target before the end of the campaign is certainly worth celebrating. My heart is warmed by the generosity of our members, supporters and friends who rallied to the cause in support of our seniors, students and families. Many thanks to all.
— Frank E. Morgan II, Past President

A generous grant from the Manton Foundation played an important role in reaching our target  and  facilitated the expansion of the Scholarship Program to students at Queens College, College of Staten Island and City Tech in Brooklyn. Many members, partners and friends also played a significant role in providing support for SGSNY’s historic mission through their contributions.

As part of the appeal, SGSNY also committed a portion of the funds to its endowment. “SGSNY has existed since 1770, and responsible financial stewardship will safeguard our future,” said Clare Risman, Executive Director. “Growing our endowment will give us the ability to sustain our operations and increase the reach of our programming, addressing the changing needs of the community we serve.”

We are immensely grateful to everyone who supported the 250th Anniversary Appeal and look forward to the years ahead.

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