Meet DeShaun

DeShaun was always expected to take the lead in his household. Lacking emotional support, DeShaun struggled in school and was on the brink of dropping out. Fortunately, he was introduced to the field of mental health and found something that he was truly passionate about.

“Men do not discuss their emotions in Caribbean culture, which makes it challenging for Black men to connect and understand their true desires and ambitions. Psychology showed me that this is not only important for success, but necessary.”

Having finally discovered his calling, DeShaun enrolled in the Psychology program at Lehman College in 2020. However, his dreams of finally being surrounded by a supportive community were severely hindered when the pandemic forced classes to go remote and remain so for most of his academic career. The SGSNY scholarship couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. The program, coupled with invitations to join SGSNY’s vibrant community, provided DeShaun with the genuine social engagement he was missing. He found SGSNY events to be a place where he could finally be himself without judgment or expectation.

“I really felt like I could be myself at St. George’s Society events. I never felt like I had to say or do anything extra or be anything I was not.”

DeShaun is now thriving in his field and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling at Lehman College. He aims to open his own therapy practice in the Bronx to support other young men of color in his local community.
To learn more about our scholarship program, visit our webpage:

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Eden's Visit to Chinatown


St. George’s Society of New York Honors Christopher J. Swift & His Excellency Lowell Mortimer at the British Ball