Update from the Scholarship Committee

Dear St. George’s Society supporter,

Earlier this year, I was appointed Chair of St. George’s Society’s Scholarship Committee and I would like to introduce myself and share an update on the Scholarship Program and the Committee’s activities.

I have been a member of St. George’s Society since 2013 and was elected to serve on the Board of Directors last year. I would like to thank my predecessor, Dr. Paul Beresford-Hill, CBE, for his devoted leadership during his tenure as Chair of the Scholarship Committee.

2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the Scholarship Program. In this time, the Society has awarded 314 scholarships totaling $828,000 in financial aid to low-income final-year students enabling them to complete their undergraduate studies.

The Program was first established in collaboration with Lehman College in the Bronx, part of the City University of New York. Due in no small part to the generosity of our supporters, we expanded the Program to serve students at Hunter College in Manhattan last year—also a part of the CUNY system.

We hope to continue this growth with the launch of a new Corporate Partners initiative. The initiative will allow companies to foster corporate social responsibility, promote diversity and inclusion and have a long-term impact on the New York community. Additionally, the Committee has devoted resources to researching and identifying foundation grants for which the Program would qualify. Funds for the Scholarship Program are traditionally raised at the English Ball; however, we hope that by implementing these new fundraising activities, we will be one step closer to our goal of supporting CUNY institutions in all five boroughs of New York and help even more students in need.

Following the success of our first Scholar Meet and Greet last September, we have also begun the development of an alumni association that will provide even greater opportunities for advancement and engage scholars with the Society beyond graduation. We are certain that an effective alumni network can assist scholars in the future through the sharing of contacts and opportunities as well as demonstrating to current students and applicants the benefits of being selected as a scholar.

St. George’s Society remains committed to its investment in the next generation of global leaders and I would like to thank my fellow Committee members—June Briggs,  Josephine Auerback Haft, Jo Harvey, Kazie Harvey, Nancy Sakas and Stephen Storen—for their time and talent.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the Scholarship Program or if you have any suggestions relating to the launch of the Corporate Partners and Foundation Grant initiatives.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,


David Drinkwater
Chair, Scholarship Committee
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