Our seniors need YOU

To the St. George’s Society community,

We are in unprecedented times. We know everyone is concerned about the uncertainty that lays ahead, but want to let you know that you are not alone and that you are a part of our St. George’s Society family.

We are carrying on with caution while being mindful of the ways we can reduce risks for ourselves and the community overall. We have decided to work remotely for the near future. This will help us to maintain the health and safety of our small office team and allow us to focus on supporting the seniors, students and families that depend on us.

St. George's Society continues to provide economic and housing stability for our senior beneficiaries—an especially vulnerable population at this time. Responding to a crisis is a team effort, and we are checking in with every senior regularly to ensure they are abiding by guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization. Additionally, we will be sending care packages to our most isolated and vulnerable beneficiaries to ensure they have enough food and household supplies as this public health crisis progresses.

We’re monitoring the rapidly evolving situation and preparing to adapt to an increased demand from our beneficiaries as their well-being and quality of life is at risk. In the meantime, we ask for your help. The costs and efforts needed to protect seniors will require additional emergency funds.

We hold the firm belief that our community will stand with us, and with the seniors we support. Now, more than ever, we are counting on your generosity to propel our work forward, just as our community has done, through good times and bad, for the last 250 years.

Please consider donating today—or pledge a monthly recurring donation—to help your neighbors in need.

As always, thank you for being a part of the St. George’s Society family.

With hope and kindness,

Your St. George’s Society Team
Anna, Mary, Julie, Eliane and Hastings

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Things to Keep You Going While Social Distancing


An Update from St. George’s Society Regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19