Meet Sandesha

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Originally from Guyana—the daughter of a cane farmer and a teacher—Sandesha sought to transcend the limited opportunities available to women in her community. When her family moved to the United States in 2015, she saw it as a chance at a brighter future.

She completed her dual degree in Accounting and Health Services Administration at Lehman College in spring of 2021. As an SGSNY Scholar, Sandesha took the opportunity to be matched with her mentor, Lisa, who not only helped her navigate her final year of university during the pandemic, but also secure a job after graduation.

Why did you sign up for the mentoring program?

I felt like I needed guidance on how to navigate New York City as a professional. I came here as an adult and making connections—both professional and personal—proved a lot harder than I imagined.

What has inspired you most about your mentor?

Every time I talk to Lisa, she gives me a lot to think about. She is a true professional and has very deep understanding of etiquette in corporate America. I love talking to her because I learn so much. She is a successful professional who has managed to balance work and family, and still finds time to mentor me. I would like to be like her someday, and inspire some young person as she done for me.

How has your mentor helped you?

Through my mentor's network I was able to land a position at EY! I signed my acceptance letter in early March and I start in July. I am so excited! My journey to my dream job has become a lot more achievable because of Lisa. She was super helpful in coaching me for the interview and just being supportive through the process.

Is there anything else you want others to know about the mentoring program?

There is no downside to it. At the very least, you gain a valuable connection—you never know when that may come in handy. I think I hit the jackpot. I landed a job in a company I always dreamed of working for. I gained not only one, but three mentors from my initial connection. The trajectory of my life has been altered because of this opportunity and for that, I couldn't be more grateful.

For more than a decade, St. George’s Society of New York has made a substantial difference in the education of so many students embarking on the next stage of their careers. But the scholarship goes far beyond the financial aid they receive. Enrichment opportunities such as our mentoring initiative help bridge the divide that students balancing work and academics often miss out on.

Learn more about St. George’s Society of New York’s mentoring initiative and how you can get involved HERE.

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