Katie the Intern

It was a cold December day, when St George’s Society held their annual Beneficiary Christmas Tea. The SGSNY team, along with approximately twenty of its Beneficiaries met at St Thomas Church to enjoy each other's company, share gifts and celebrate the festivities with carols and poems.

In attendance this year, was Steve DuPass (America’s Singing Poet) and St George’s new team member, Katie. Who was to know that this was the beginning of a great friendship? At the end of the Tea, Christmas gift baskets were shared between the St George’s Society and its Beneficiaries – a tradition that has lasted 150 years within the Society. Katie offered to walk Steve home, due to the weight of the giftbag... and this is where our story begins...

Katie was told by SGSNY Social Worker’s Mary and Julie that the walk to Steve’s apartment should be no more than 5 minutes. When walking Steve home along Fifth Avenue, they stopped to watch the Saxophonist, browsed some hats from the local vendor - soon they had arrived near Central Park, new to the city, even Katie realised this was very far in the wrong direction, 5 minutes had turned into an hour. They stood outside Carnegie Hall, surrounded by angry Christmas shoppers and crying babies, whilst Steve told the amazing story of his performance there. 

Safe to say, they made it back to Steve’s apartment in one piece, and a week later Steve sent a poem to the office, a memory of the crazy adventure down Fifth Avenue that December day. Since then, the two have become good friends, and are pleased the “weighty satchel” brought them together.

Katie the Intern

The satchel was weighty 

But thanks be to Katie 

Who through her persistent insistence, 

Lifted the sack 

Strapped it to her back

Providing much needed assistance

It was the yule season

A timely good reason

To hold the St. George’s High Tea 

It was long awaited

Where I celebrated 

With over invitees like me

Although half my size

Much to my surprise

It seemed to me

She, katie were the stronger

I used to be strong

A long time ago 

But that isn’t any longer

Really and truly 

Mary and Julie

Had many concerns to address

With cheerful emotion

Hard work and devotion

They made the high tea a success 

Tea and sweets and delicate treats

Caroling angelic voices

Danty tasty sandwiches

Depending upon

What your choices is 

The party was fun

With all said and done

The crowd was beginning to thin

My hulking gift bundle

Too heavy to handle

And that is where katie stepped in 

With items to carry

No time to tarry

Time only to ramble and roam

We left St George’s in care of St. Thomas

And Katie escorted me home

Ana, Steve, Heather, Marie and Katie

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