Member Spotlight: Meet Victoria Hanson

Introducing Victoria Hanson, our member spotlight! You may have seen Tori at any SGSNY events as she has been a long-time member and is also our Board secretary! Learn more about why she’s been a part of the Society for all these years and why she’s found the community to be so helpful moving across the pond to the Big Apple!

How did you come to learn about St. George's Society of NY?

Literally - Google. Why? Because I'd just arrived in NYC, and wanted to go to one of NYC's famous balls I'd heard so much about before moving. Did a search, and the St George's English Ball came up, and then of course fell down the SGSNY rabbit hole- of other amazing events. Went to quiz night - met amazing members and then learnt all about the history and mission, and have stayed a member ever since (10 years and counting)!

What is your favorite part of being a SGSNY member?

Meeting so many like-minded people, and hearing first hand about the impact the Society has. It really does feel like one giant family, from the members, to our students and beneficiaries - everyone goes out of their way to help everyone else (even if they are no longer based in NYC).

How has being a part of SGSNY helped you as a new New Yorker (personally and/or professionally)? 

Personally, it provided my husband and I an incredible friendship set - so many of my NYC friends were met through SGSNY - even celebrateing a "friendiversary" at the SGSNY Bonfire Night celebrations every year.

Professionally, when I started my own business helping entrepreneurs, SGSNY members were so supportive. They provided both practical suggestions on ways to grow, whilst being supportive sounding boards when I was uncertain on which way to move forward. NYC is the capital of community and networking - I honestly don't know where we'd be without them. 

 What is your favorite place in NYC? Favorite food or meal you've had since you've been here?

So many great experiences, some are no longer here - but others have popped up in their stead. Current favourites are Grey Dog for brunch, Air Champagne Parlour for drinks and Point Seven (seafood), near Grand Central for dinner. 

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