Meet Kirk Persaud

Kirk Persaud (Center), with SGSNY Members and Fellow Scholars - Summer Cocktails 2023

St. George’s Society of New York (SGSNY) is proud to highlight Kirk Persaud, a 2022-23 SGSNY Manton Scholar who recently completed a Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Biology at Queens College. Shortly after graduation this spring, he began a summer internship at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry and we are proud to share that he is loving it so far!

During graduation, Kirk had the opportunity to represent his class at Queens College’s 2024 Spring Commencement Ceremony as the Student Commencement speaker. We were fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with him about his educational journey and how the SGSNY scholarship helped him along the way.

Q. What degrees do you hold and how will they help you achieve your career goals? 

I hold an Associate’s degree in Natural Science from Queen’s College, Guyana, and a Bachelor of Arts in  Neuroscience-Biology & Psychology from Queens College in New York City. These degrees have equipped me with a strong foundation in scientific  principles and a deep understanding of the human brain and behavior, essential for my goal of becoming a  physician-scientist. The interdisciplinary knowledge and research skills I've gained will enable me to contribute to  advancements in neuroscience and healthcare. 

Q. How did the St. George’s Society of New York Scholarship help you? 

The St. George’s Society of New York Scholarship was instrumental in alleviating my financial burden, covering a year’s tuition, and allowing me to focus on my studies without the constant worry of financial constraints. Beyond the financial  support, the scholarship connected me with a network of supportive scholars and professionals. Through sponsored activities, I received invaluable career advice, reassurance, and guidance from members of St. George’s Society, which played a crucial role in my success as a graduate. 

Q. What advice would you have for scholars currently in the program? 

I would advise current scholars to fully utilize St. George’s network. Seek out mentorship and career advice, attend events, and don’t hesitate to start conversations with attendees. Exchange contact information and stay in touch. Build a community with your fellow cohort members and past scholars that you can rely on for  support and collaboration. 

Q. We are so proud that you had a speech at commencement, how did you prepare for such a big moment? 

It was a shock to be selected as this year’s student commencement speaker for the graduating class of 2024. I  dedicated two weeks to writing my speech and submitted it a month in advance. As I had never used a teleprompter before, I practiced with it a week prior to the event. To ensure my message resonated, I spoke with  several alumni and graduating students from Queens College about what they would have wanted to hear at their graduation or this year's ceremony. I specifically asked for words of encouragement they found meaningful. Additionally, I watched numerous commencement speeches from other colleges and previous graduations at our college for inspiration. I wrote five drafts of my speech before finalizing it, incorporating feedback from my mentors at Queens College. Finally, I practiced delivering the speech aloud, making adjustments as needed to ensure it was perfect.

Q. What specific message did you convey and how did you decide on the  topic of your speech? 

The theme of my speech was resilience and determination. I started college during the pandemic in spring 2020 and faced countless difficulties throughout my college journey and life. Many peers in my graduating class faced similar issues, having endured the pandemic and the hardships associated with attending a public college like CUNY Queens College. I wanted the speech to reflect my journey and be relatable to everyone, acknowledging the challenges they likely endured to become Queens College graduates. Attaining a Bachelor's degree is not easy, especially when balancing several jobs, volunteering, and participating in extracurricular activities. My speech emphasized the  resilience required to embrace these challenges and thrive despite all obstacles. Additionally, I shared my journey as an immigrant and transfer student from a foreign country, knowing that many students at Queens College are immigrants, transfer students, and international students.

Kirk Persaud - Student Commencement Speaker at Queens College 2024

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