Scholar Stories, Society Updates Wild Awake Scholar Stories, Society Updates Wild Awake

Congratulations to the Class of 2022!

It is graduation season, and we couldn’t be prouder of our SGSNY Class of 2022! Marking a 100% completion rate for the Scholarship Program this academic year, our 24 graduates have earned a host of distinctions and awards, and the number of postgraduate acceptance letters, scholarship awards, and employment offers continue to come in. We are delighted to welcome this esteemed group of students to our growing community of 440+ SGSNY Scholar alums!

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Society Updates Wild Awake Society Updates Wild Awake

Farewell Hastings

It is bittersweet to announce Hastings Hill’s departure as Communications & Membership Manager on 3rd June. Hastings was first a member of SGSNY before joining the team in 2017, and has been essential to the growth and success of the organization. Hastings will be missed by the staff, Board, members and partners alike.

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Beneficiary Stories Wild Awake Beneficiary Stories Wild Awake

A New Bed for Ms. Priya

On a recent visit to Ms. Priya, one our senior beneficiaries, Manton Social Worker Julie Rosenberg was shocked to discover that this 71-year-old woman had been sleeping on a sagging cot every night. Julie shares how SGSNY helped Ms. Priya make her home a safer and more comfortable space.

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